The Lab Space
Our small Lab is located at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, at the School of Medicine of Universidad Andres Bello in Echaurren 183, Campus Republica of Santiago de Chile.
The lab includes rigs of electrophysiology and imaging, computer desks, a fly culture room with space for fishing and behavior. At the Institute we have access to the spinning disk and confocal microscopes, biochemistry, and molecular biology facilities together with autoclave, ice, distilled water, and hoods for chemicals.
Learning and understanding the scientific philosophy is our major teaching outcome. This entrepreneurship will surpass major challenges including frustration during different skills acquisition. Each individual is naturally gifted in some areas that sometimes they don't know, we are committed to uncovering them.
Life in the Lab demands hard work and dedication, respectful communicating, and empathy for others requiring support.
Our Lab promotes diversity in the scientific workforce at all levels of training and aspects; LGTB are welcome